My name is Asaf. Originally from a small village in the Galilee, I became a resident of Berlin in 2007 and a professional tour guide in the city in 2010. In my early twenties I spent a few years travelling, and working in Poland and China. After a year of studies in a tourism college in New Zealand I ended up completing a BSc in Ecotourism in England, for which I conducted research in Ethiopia. In the spring of 2007 I decided to move to Berlin to continue my studies and develop further my career in tourism.

In 2010 I completed a master degree in Ecological Economics at Berlin’s Humboldt University. In 2014 I got back to academic studies, this time as a part-time PhD candidate at the University of Central Lancashire, researching the role tour guides play in interpretation of the dark chapters of Berlin’s history. In addition to my work as a guide, and when time allows, I work as a fellow in Potsdam’s Social Science Works.

As a guide I am very much influenced by the many historical layers of this fascinating city, as well as by childhood stories I heard from my German grandparents. Guiding in Berlin feels to me like using a wonderful time machine; by going through the sites it takes me and my guests through difficult historical times but also through romantic times, and times of amazing social and cultural changes.

Asaf’s Website 

Asaf Leshem

Asaf Leshem

  • Berlin Highlights

    Third Reich Berlin

    Cold War Berlin

    Jewish Berlin



    Cycling Tours

  • English


Contact Asaf!


Jess Earle


Jim McDonough