Konrad Körner

Konrad Körner

My name is Konrad and I came to Berlin during the good old times of the Cold War. Due to living in the German capital, I was able to escape from military service. I went to university and was rocking around the clock.

After university, I started a career at Mercedes Benz. I was very successful at public speaking, and the company pushed me into selling cars. Over the decades, I became one of the top car sellers in Germany.

After that experience, I had the time and opportunity to dedicate myself to my real love - German, and in particular Berlin, history. Since 2003, I have been working as a professional tour guide and running my own company - Berlin Tour Guide 24.

If you want a slice of the real Berlin, please contact me here or through my website:


Special topics on consultation. All tours preferably by bus (coach) or walking.

  • Berlin Highlights

    Third Reich Berlin

    Cold War Berlin

  • English


Contact Konrad!


Jasper Wolter


Rafael van Oppen Ardanaz