Notwithstanding my exotic name (I am half Costa Rican), my connection to Berlin and German history is a very strong one. The family on my father’s side hailed from what became East Germany and settled in West Berlin in the 1950s. Since my father worked for the West German government, I grew up in Bonn. After graduating from an international school, I studied history in England, at Lancaster, Oxford, and York.

After completing my PhD, I decided to gain some practical experience by showing visitors Berlin and its surroundings from both an international and local perspective in English, German (my native language), and – occasionally – Spanish.

My guiding has taken me beyond Berlin as well. I spend much of the summer leading tours for Rick Steves, taking visitors on 1-2 week (educational) adventures across Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. This helps me draw connections between Berlin and other European cities. I am more than happy to help with recommendations for travellers visiting those other places as well.

The tours I specialise in when at home include Berlin’s main sights and its Third Reich, Jewish, and Cold War histories. In addition, I offer tours from Berlin to Dresden, Potsdam, Wittenberg, and the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial.

Carlos Meissner

Carlos Meissner

  • Berlin Highlights

    Third Reich Berlin

    Cold War Berlin

    Jewish Berlin





  • English

Contact Carlos!


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Solange González Leiton